Science Department Home
Science Department Vision
Welcome to the Wilmington Middle School STEAM Magnet Science Department! Our main focus this year is to have students develop research and writing skills to explain phenomena, and to create models of scientific processes. We expect all students to achieve to their highest level, and we support them in every way we can to reach their potential. As students grow in their abilities, they will be able to take their skills and explore and develop knowledge in their own chosen area of focus.
We do this by:
- Having a highly trained faculty
- Implementing the NGSS
- Preparing students for 21st century careers
- Maintaining contact and involving parents and the community in the learning process
- Encouraging students to question, experiment, and problem solve throughout their life
1. Goals
- Writing to explain phenomena.
- Access information
- Develop and explain working models of scientific phenomena
2. Guiding Values and Belief
- All students can achieve proficiency in all subject areasScience helps to develop problem-solving and inquiry skills that can be used in all aspects of life.
- Support and foster intellectual curiosity.
- Persistence is the key to success.
- Faculty is eager to implement NGSS standards.
- Faculty promotes student writing across the curriculum
- Members of science faculty are lifelong learners
- Dept needs parental support of student learning
4. Why we are unique.
- Faculty enjoys collaboration
- 50% of faculty are NGSS fellows.
5. Prepare students for future
- Job Market is in desperate need of workers who are literate and skilled in science and technology.
- The top careers of 2016 are in science, technology, engineering, and math: computer systems analysts, network and computer systems administrators, industrial engineers, and medical and health service professionals.
- We have your students’ best interests at heart.
- Science department wants to assist your child in becoming college and career ready.
- We welcome your involvement in your child’s education.
- Teachers can be easily contacted via email from the WMSSM website.