Code of Conduct » Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct


Wilmington Middle School STEAM Magnet students are responsible for their own actions and property.  The possession of any illegal item, substance, or object is prohibited.  Students found in the possession of any illegal item, substance, or object may be subject to both administrative and/or legal consequences.  Wilmington Middle School STEAM Magnet has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for weapons and conducts random (unannounced) metal detector searches on campus.



Parents/ Guardians please be advised that the District is not responsible for students’ lost or stolen cell phones. Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook regarding the use of cellular phones and/or BUL-5468.0.  The primary purpose of school is learning.  


Items that distract from the instructional environment or that are illegal are prohibited.  These items include, but are not limited to:

  1. Before a student enters the campus, cell phones must be turned off, put away in backpacks, and not be visible.  They may be used after the school day has ended. ALL ELECTRONIC ITEMS THAT ARE VISIBLE, AUDIBLE OR BEING USED FOR COMMUNICATION WILL BE CONFISCATED (BUL-5468.0).
  2. Airpods, earbuds, headphones, cameras, video games, scooters and electronic (motorized) scooters.
  3. Tobacco products, alcohol, drugs which include marijuana, vapes, e-cigarettes, matches, lighters, other controlled substances or illegal paraphernalia.
  4. Aerosol cans of any kind.
  5. Permanent markers, spray paint containers, and liquid paper/white out.
  6. Firearms, knives, fireworks, weapons of any kind or objects designed to harm.  Explosive devices of any kind.
  7. Toys, stuffed animals, balloons, cards, or party supplies.
  8. Large sums of money or valuable personal items.
  9. Any items that cause a disruption to the learning environment, or pose a danger to student safety, are prohibited (cakes, cupcakes, candy, gum, monster drinks, balloons, dice, etc).
  10. All skateboards and bicycles are to be secured in the designated areas and not in the classrooms or offices.
  11. Non-Wilmington Middle School hats or beanies.

Any prohibited items that are brought to school will be confiscated and held for pick-up on the
last school day of the week by a parent or legal guardian.  Illegal items will be given to the police.  Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of each semester.  On the third offense of any confiscated item by the same student the item will be kept until the end of the semester.  Repeated violation of school rules will be considered willful disobedience or defiance to school authority and can result in opportunity transfer.  Infractions that threaten the safety or personal well-being of any student or school employee can lead to citation, arrest, opportunity transfer, or recommendation for expulsion.